Wednesday, January 23, 2008


So I have a confession...(don't we all?)

Several years ago I nearly got married. And for various reasons, I walked away instead. It was the right move, but goodness gracious - it was the hardest thing I have ever done.

For over a year after that, I didn't have any contact with the person I once was so in love with. Mostly because I am somewhat of a coward, but also because my walking away had nothing to do with not loving him anymore - I didn't walk away because I didn't love him. On the contrary, I did it because I loved him enough to do the right thing.

But here is the confession...I still talk to him. Not terribly often, but often enough. And it makes me feel horribly guilty and I know I shouldn't. But I just can't seem to ignore him. I know that he doesn't tell anyone that we have any contact - he is recently married and I am quite sure that my name doesn't come up in conversation. I am also quite sure that the contents of our conversation are not information that he sees fit to share with his new bride.

I know that I should just walk away, lest someone's feelings get hurt. But I can't seem to do it.


Constance the ninety-ninth said...

I can only imagine how hard this is for you, and I can only see you getting hurt. Sounds as if you are still in love with him. My gut reaction is to tell you to RUN FAST in the opposite direction. Easy to say, I know, but you seem so emotionally involved and this situation will become torture.

ConstanceTheSeventySixth said...

I have an ex that I still talk to. He is a nice guy - we were engaged after dating 4 years; but he had no ambition and still lives in his parents basement.

I made the right decision walking away but I still kinda like him as a friend and will always want to know if he is doing all right. But I would NEVER acutually see him again.

The guy made me psycho! :)