Saturday, March 29, 2008

Random Facts

Since I'm #13, how about 13 random (and somewhat non-identifying) facts.

1. I've always wanted to write a book. What this book would be about? No idea.

2. The hardest thing I have ever done was tell a mother her baby had died. I've done this more than once. And every time is just as hard.

3. I'm seriously considering returning to working in the hospital. And that scares the bejeebus out of me - I've been out for a year and a half, but it feels like a lifetime.

4. I feel...discontent. But not necessarily unhappy. I think that's why I'm considering returning to hospital work.

5. I lost my best friend. Saying lost makes it seem somewhat like misplacing a sock...and really, it was almost like that. One day he was right there. And then he wasn't. And just like a misplaced sock, sometimes I forget that I lost him and think that he really is just hiding, right in front of my face. But he isn't. He's just...lost.

6. I have faith, but I wouldn't consider myself religious.

7. I am not close to my parents. I remember being little and everyone saying how you got to be close to your parents when you grew up. Now I'm all grown up (sort of anyway) and we're still not close. And I don't know if it's really anyone's fault.

8. My dreams are 90% accurate, in a sixth sense kind of way. I find this somewhat unnerving.

9. I love to organize things.

10. There are some days that I find scrub pants and a t shirt a totally appropriate ensamble.

11. I am almost never a comfortable temperature. I'm either hot or cold...which is really annoying.

12. My feelings get hurt when people don't like me. This is something that most people outgrow...I never did.

13. Five of my favorite tv shows are:
Grey's Anatomy
October Road
Criminal Minds

So how about it? Anyone else have a burning desire to fill the rest of the Constances in on some random facts?

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